Managing the perfect smile may seem difficult, but many are able to keep their pearly whites shining bright. What is there to stop you from having a brighter smile in the new year? Having a confident and healthy smile should be at the top of everyone’s New Year’s resolutions for 2014. San Diego teeth whitening is the best solution to restore natural tooth color. But oral care does not stop after teeth whitening. Many people forget about maintenance work after restoring their pearly whites. Whether dental patients have had teeth restored or not they should always resort to the following guidelines for a healthier smile.
Teeth whitening removes stains and discoloration from patients’ teeth. Generally teeth whitening is done in a single procedure, which provides quick results that leaves teeth up to 10 shades brighter. However, teeth whitening does not stop after the procedure, here are some aftercare tips everyone should consider for a long-lasting quality smile.
Keep Teeth Clean All Day Long
Brushing twice a day, flossing and use of mouthwash should already be a part of everyone’s oral care regimen, but after teeth whitening treatment, patients need to include brushing in between meals to prevent discoloration from food and drinks.
Quit Smoking
While many of us are aware that smoking leads to cardiovascular disease, lung disease and cancer, smoking also causes many oral health issues, including:
Bad breath
Tooth decay and discoloration
Buildup of plaque and tartar
Lower success rate of dental implants
Smoking and other tobacco products leads to gum disease and can also impair blood flow to the gums. Every other dentist will likely advise any teeth whitening patient to avoid smoking at all costs.
Eat Healthier Foods
Keeping teeth clean and free from smoking is great, but we also need to eat to nourish healthy teeth. Healthy eating habits can protect enamel by eating more chicken and cheese. Adding plenty of vegetables and fruits to your daily diet helps keep teeth clean by washing away acids building up on teeth.
Use Straws
Healthy teeth also need careful attention while drinking regular beverages. Drinking liquids through a straw helps minimize contact of tannins in tea, soda and coffee.
Teeth whitening is the perfect solution for removing stains and restoring tooth color. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the preferred method of teeth whitening is from in-office treatment with experienced dentists because they provide stronger agents while protecting the patient from discomfort. In a single visit a teeth whitening expert successfully brightens the teeth while managing tooth sensitivity or other oral care issues.
Teeth whitening candidates can turn to this investment to obtain a naturally brighter smile. Follow these aftercare guidelines to ensure long-lasting results and maintain a healthy oral care regimen for life. Follow-up treatments are permitted for touch-ups and continued maintenance, so explore the thrills of having a brighter smile with San Diego teeth whitening.
There is much speculation and concern growing on social media sites about toothpaste and its safety. Many have pointed out the bottom of toothpaste tubes, a square printed with a specific color to indicate contents as natural or mixed with chemicals. People are coming to the belief that the color marked on toothpaste can be dangerous to your body as you could be ingesting harmful chemicals. In reality the squares do not possess a specific purpose or indicate the ingredients in use. The squares are called eye marks and do not measure up to beliefs of toothpaste color codes of the industry.
Taking a step back from the labels and contents, we will remind you what toothpaste really does for our smile. Toothpaste, or dentifrice, is an important staple to a person’s daily oral hygiene. They are approved products from the American Dental Association, to help remove bacteria and plaque from teeth and gums that build up throughout the day. The ADA seal is placed on packages of common toothpastes sold in the United States, symbolizing their safety and effectiveness to help maintain healthy teeth.
The Talk of Toothpaste Color Codes
There are a many blogs and articles circulating that tell a story of color markings on the bottom of a toothpaste tube which indicate an important detail that people are unaware of. Authors of these articles suggest the following as a description of colors marked on toothpaste tubes:
Green = Natural
Blue = Natural and Medicine
Red = Natural and Chemical composition
Black = Pure Chemical
Many pass on this information to their friends and family alike, warning each other to watch out for toothpastes with the red or black square as they are noted as unsafe. Do you think there is some truth behind this claim?
Color Bars on Toothpaste Are Falsely Accused
The squares marked on the toothpaste do not classify or indicate anything about the contents of the paste at all. They are not placed there by the paste manufacturer, but the companies who design toothpaste packaging. The term used for the color squares are eye marks. They are placed on the plastic packaging of the tube as markers for sensors at the packaging industry, so the machines know where to cut and crimp the individual tubes.
Color bars are also found on most newspapers and other color printed items. This is solely for aligning color during the printing process. Most manufacturers who print in color use this method of colored squares to help in the process of alignment. The labeled color does not indicate anything other than where printers should align the labels of color packaging items.
For more information about ADA approved toothpaste and their ingredients for a brighter smile, meet with your San Diego dentist. The labels on toothpaste tubes are placed on the bottom for label alignment purposes only. Each color does not indicate hidden meanings of material blended in the paste. Read the labels of toothpaste at your local retailer and find the products marked with the ADA seal, approved for consumer use which in no way harm the body when ingested.
Halloween is just around the corner and with costume season upon us, children grow ecstatic for all the candy they get to sink their teeth into. This year parents should pay a little more attention to their children’s candy choices as their teeth could be exposed to more danger than it can normally handle. We all know that candy is bad for our teeth, but some candy is actually worse for your teeth when exposed to.
Research shows that the worst candy for teeth comes in varieties of hard candy, gummies and sticky candy. Parents and kids need to be aware of the effects that their candy is having on teeth, which makes it difficult for trick-or-treaters to cope with every year. The dental procedures that your dentist provides is at an increased risk of damage when exposing the mouth the tasty treats. Explore healthier alternatives this year and choose candy that is safer for your smile and trick-or-treaters.
Reduce Time with Sugar Exposure
Halloween treats that can be eaten quickly are the best for adults and children. Candy such as chocolate and sugar-free substances are the simple solutions to avoid lengthy exposure of to sweets. The less amount of time that sugar spends with teeth, the better, because small pieces of non-almond chocolate break down quickly and reduces contact with teeth. Almond and peanut chocolates should be avoided as they require the individual to crunch the candy apart which makes the sugar penetrate deeper into teeth and consumes more time.
Avoid Getting Stuck On Hard and Chewy Candy
After returning from trick-or-treating, parents and children should separate the bad candy from the good. This will help avoid temptation of eating the cavity-makers. Dentists agree that hard and chewy candy should be avoided as much as possible, so the contents do not stick on teeth. Halloween candy that should be avoided includes:
Hard candy (jawbreakers, lollipops and mints)
Chewy candy (candy corn, gummies and dried fruit)
Sticky candy (caramel, taffy and gum)
These treats may taste good for a short time, but their effects leave bad results in the long run. They take too long for the mouth to completely dissolve and expose the teeth to sugar longer than other candy. The longer that candy sticks around on teeth is the more likely it is to integrate with bacteria, which will then lead to acid production. The more acid that gets generated from candy is the more risk the individual has to develop cavities.
Serve Halloween Treats Not Tricks
According to Delta Dental, sticky and chewy candy results in long contact with teeth. The candy that gets stuck to the surface of teeth is increases the risk of sugar producing enamel eating acid. Thus far increasing the amount of trips to the dentist every year. The best solution to fight against plaque is to adopt healthy candy consumption habits, such as:
Consume small candy portions
Avoid eating hard candy or sticky and chewy candy
Brush teeth or drink water after every candy serving
Have children eat dinner before trick-or-treating
Pass out sugar-free candy or miniature plain chocolates
This Halloween do not allow yourself or your kids to expose their teeth to the sticky and hard candy. Dried fruits can even get stuck to teeth causing sugar build up. Limit time to eat candy to avoid lengthy sugar exposure. This will help fight off the spooky cavities and extend the lifespan of dental work. Long after the costumes are put away, everyone in the household should make smarter and healthier choices with smile-friendly candy.
When it comes to healthy teeth we can only hope that what we are doing is right for our teeth, but a diet of highly-processed foods and sugar are often the sources to blame for cavities and other teeth problems. Cavities are an infection caused by a combination of carbohydrate foods and bacterias in the mouth. The bacteria eats the carbohydrates and produce acid. This acid causes the PH to drop on the surface of teeth and dissolve the hard enamel slowly. The exposure to certain foods develop cavities that we do not want to live with and to resolve the growth of tooth decay, your dentist can treat cavities through fillings.
Tooth fillings are designed to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its original shape. The dentist first removes the source of bacteria and decayed tooth material, then the cleaned out cavity is filled with a material suitable to close off the space. Depending on the space and location of the cavity the dentist and patient agree on the type of filling, which include amalgam (silver), gold or tooth-colored filling.
Amalgam is the most common material used in correction for dental decay. The filling looks silver in appearance and is resistant. Due to its dark color most dentists avoid use for visible areas in the front teeth.
Gold fillings are tolerated by gum tissues and may last up to 20 years for patients who take care of their teeth. Most dentists consider this as the best filling material.
The tooth colored fillings are made of composite plastic resins or porcelain material. Since the material is made to match the color of teeth they can be used to fill the front as well as the top surface of the tooth. Porcelain is also used in the same areas and provides the same natural effects when bonded to the tooth. Porcelain is resistant to staining and covers most of the affected tooth.
Many people consider the traditional methods of fillings to be outdated and feel the need to replace them with new porcelain or composite plastic fillings, but that is not necessary. According to Delta Dental, the availability of new materials for fillings does not eliminate the need for traditional dental materials. Amalgam and gold fillings are stronger and more durable. These materials restore teeth that withstand extreme forces of chewing and grinding, especially in the back of the mouth. The FDA does not recommend removing amalgam fillings from patients because they could cause harm to tooth structure and increase health risks.
Why is it Important to get Dental Fillings?
Regular dentist appointments should always be kept to maintain the function of teeth. Only a dentist can determine if a patient has a cavity that needs filling. When these cavities are left untreated they make teeth more sensitive to cold and heat, causing pain in the affected teeth, and are vulnerable to decay.
People need to treat cavities before they become bigger. Filling the cavity will help restore strength of the tooth before it starts to damage the entire tooth and neighboring teeth. Addressing the cavity early will help to fight against tooth decay from spreading and becoming worse. Reasons why people need to get fillings include:
Tooth fractures
Slow loss of tooth structure
Tooth Discoloration
Filling replacement
How to prevent from cavities:
The best type of filling, is no filling at all. There are a number of ways to abstain from cavities. Brushing to remove plaque is the best way to avoid cavities, but there are other ways to avoid them including:
Brushing three times a day with fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash
Floss daily
Eat a balanced diet
Visit a dentist regularly
Reduce sugary foods and beverages
Chew sugarless gum to avoid dry mouth
Drink lots of water
To find out which teeth need fillings or if it has been longer than a year since your last check up, visit Eastlake Dentistry in San Diego. Dr. San Tin can settle all of your doubts about fillings and treat tooth decay before it becomes worse. Keep your teeth strong and healthy for good, book your appointment for dental fillings today.
Many people still do not understand the difference between regular teeth and wisdom teeth. Normal teeth are the set of teeth that grow into place after losing baby teeth. Wisdom teeth are an extra set of molars that sometimes emerge at the very end of the row of teeth, both sides top and bottom. This extra set of four teeth need to be extracted to prevent problems that may develop. However, when it comes to extractions, the normal teeth do not need to be pulled out unless the teeth or tooth can no longer be saved with treatment.
Wisdom teeth removal and extraction is necessary for patients when their jaw and normal teeth are experiencing health issues. The extraction is even done to prevent issues from developing too. Problems that may occur with wisdom teeth, include misdirection growth, trapped germs and food dislodged in gums, infection and the jaw may not be large enough to support them. To treat or avoid these developments from occurring, Dr. Tin helps the patient understand the process and importance of wisdom teeth removal and extraction.
Normal tooth extractions resolve other issues that are disrupting a patient’s dental hygiene. Tooth extractions are necessary to treat decay that reached deep in the tooth, infection has damaged a large part of the tooth and the bone, or the existing teeth may not have enough room in the mouth. There are even patients that have more teeth growing in behind the already existing tooth, to avoid root damage or infection to the other teeth an extraction will be performed.
According to wisdom tooth extraction is done to remove teeth that cause pain or that may cause infection and dental problems. Impacted teeth may not reveal any signs of pain or danger to the patient, but there may be future infections or pain that take place beneath the gums and result into serious dental problems. Even if wisdom teeth emerge correctly without any disruption to the gums, they may be forcing their presence in line next to the other teeth and that can cause the teeth to shift. Shifting teeth will make the patient feel the need to wear corrective braces to realign their shifted teeth.
Unlike normal teeth, wisdom teeth need to be surgically cut out of the patient’s mouth. The treated areas will be numbed with a local anesthetic to avoid the feeling of pain and discomfort. The dentist will then make incisions in the gums to remove the hidden teeth and pull out any emerged wisdom teeth.
Removing normal teeth is necessary for decayed teeth or for teeth that are no longer responding to treatment. The extraction will keep infection from spreading to other areas of the mouth.
What are the benefits of wisdom teeth extraction?
Wisdom teeth usually do not serve a purpose in a person’s mouth. Everyone has 32 teeth already, an extra four will just make it more difficult to keep teeth clean and healthy. Benefits of having your wisdom teeth pulled are:
Alignment of other teeth does not get disturbed
Existing teeth will not be crowded on a small jaw
Tooth decay, excess plaque and pain will be avoided
When do I need to see a dentist?
If the patient experiences pain, discomfort or swelling in the back gums, they need to ask a dentist if their wisdom teeth are related to these effects. Usually most problems develop in people between 15 and 25 years old.
Most dentists and oral surgeons believe that patients should have their wisdoms removed before the age of 20, because the roots and gums are not fully developed and softer. As the body gets older, the bones and roots in the teeth grow and get hard. The older the patient, the longer it may take for them to heal after the wisdoms are removed.
Ask Dr. Tin at EastLake Dentistry if you should have your wisdom teeth removed. Impacted teeth will start to cause health concerns and can push your existing teeth out of alignment. Normal tooth extractions are only necessary for teeth that are decayed or no longer responding to dental care. Give the rest of your teeth a chance to avoid failure by keeping them healthy. Save your mouth from potential damage and get your wisdom teeth extracted.
Tooth implants make everything better about a person’s smile. It allows for proper digestion and the implants do not break down or get in the way of other teeth. New teeth make it easier for a person’s life to continue without feeling self-conscious after losing teeth to decay or injury. For a natural full set of healthy teeth you will want a dentist with knowledge and experience in tooth replacement. At Eastlake Dentistry, Dr. Tin utilizes the latest techniques to improve her patients’ smile.
Tooth implants, traditionally known as dental implants, are replacement tooth roots that provide a strong, permanent or removable foundation for a patient’s smile. This form of modern tooth restoration can be used to replace a single tooth, a group of missing teeth, or a full new set of teeth. Tooth implants are made to substitute and resemble the existing teeth. The teeth are attached to small titanium screws and surgically inserted into the jawbone to fill the space left in the mouth.
According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, nearly 70 percent of adults 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, gum disease, a failed root canal, or tooth decay. With nearly 50 years of clinical research, tooth implants hold a 95 percent success rate, which makes dental implants the best option for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants save a patient’s smile, improves oral health and confidence.
How do I know if I need tooth implants?
With the exception of growing children, anyone is a candidate for tooth implants. Replacing one, several or a full set of teeth is made available for anyone that has lost teeth due to:
Bone loss
Tooth decay or gum disease
Dentures and partials are too loose
Medical conditions such as, diabetes and high blood pressure
Poor dental care
People with existing medical conditions could possibly still acquire dental treatment, generally making patients eligible for dental implants. Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure are still considered candidates and have had successful treatment in the past.
Patients with gum disease and decay have been treated for dental implants and almost all cases have had successful results.
Those who wear partials or dentures struggle keeping them clean and often forget to place them back in their mouth. Dental implants can replace the use of those fillers and make it much more comfortable to wear.
People who have experienced bone loss and lost teeth make for perfect candidates. Oral surgeons are trained and experienced in grafting bone to safely and permanently
How do I take care of the implants?
Patients who are willing to accept the challenge of proper dental care and maintenance can experience a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Tooth implants require the same care as normal teeth, including brushing, flossing and mouthwash. Along with regular check-ups, the implants will not fail functionality. Proper dental hygiene prevents bacterial infections, thus ensuring their longevity.
It is advised to avoid smoking, because smoking affects the blood flow around the gums and teeth. Smoking disrupts healing and increases the risk of bone loss.
What are the benefits of tooth implants?
Any patient with missing teeth can experience a number of advantages from dental implants including:
Improved smile
Improved speech
Improved comfort and self-esteem
Easier eating
Improved oral health
Durability and convenience
Dental implants are designed to look and feel like your own teeth, which do not show noticeable signs of surgery. Those gaps in your teeth cause embarrassing mumbles and slurs, but with dental implants patients can speak freely. Dental implants allow anyone to enjoy their favorite foods without pain.
People with missing teeth can be embarrassing for those who love to smile. Dr. Tin and her staff take pride in providing patients with comfort and confidence. Dental implants will no longer make you feel self-conscious when you take pictures with family. With proper care you will be able to eat all the foods that you enjoy. The durability of implants eliminates the need for constant replacement. Schedule an appointment and smile bright today.
The thought of a less than perfect smile can be devastating to an individual both physically and emotionally. Many times, a gap in the teeth or severe staining can create an unattractive smile. In fact, tooth loss is relatively common, mostly due to dental decay, injury, and gingivitis. Nevertheless, a handful of procedures are available to those who have suffered tooth loss. Dental implant surgery, for instance, is a popular procedure amongst patients suffering from tooth loss because it is natural, long lasting, and improves one’s ability to eat and speak. Here are several steps you can take to prepare for your dental implant surgery.
1.) Quit Smoking and Drinking
It is important that you quit smoking and excessive drinking prior to your dental implant surgery. Actually, it is recommended that you quit smoking prior to any type of surgery. Failure to adhere to this may pose a threat to the success of the dental implant procedure.
2.) Make Transportation Arrangements
Plan ahead and make arrangements for someone to take you back home after the surgery. If possible, also arrange for a friend or family member watch over you for the next 24 hours. This will ensure that there is someone there to assist you (if needed) and make your recovery process smoother after the surgery.
3.) Dental Exam
Prior to your dental implant surgery, your dentist may require that you have a thorough evaluation. This can involve x-rays and models of your mouth. You should also let your dentist know of any existing medical conditions.
4.) Medications
Be sure to give your doctor a list of all the medications you are taking. This includes supplements, prescription medicines, and over-the-counter drugs.
5.) Treatment Plan
As a patient, you will want to be as comfortable and knowledgeable about the procedure you are about to undergo. Make sure to run through the surgery with your dentist to ensure all questions and concerns are addressed. You will want to know what to expect during and after the surgery.
Once the dental implants are placed and your jaw is healed, an artificial tooth is fitted and attached to the implant. The above are just general rules to follow before the surgery. Be sure to consult a qualifiedSan Diego dental implant specialist for a more comprehensive list of rules to follow to better prepare for your dental implant surgery. Smile confidently today!
A gap in your teeth can be quite devastating both emotionally and physically. Thankfully, technological and scientific advancements have provided us with solutions to lost teeth. Dental implant surgery, for example, has allowed individuals to regain control of their lives. So what are dental implants? Dental implants act as a root device for a replacement tooth or a set of replacement teeth. There are numerous benefits for those interested in dental implant surgery including improved appearance, improved eating and speech, and are better than other teeth loss alternatives (removable dentures).
Missing teeth can especially be embarrassing for those who love to smile. With dental implants, you can smile beautifully once more. Because dental implants are fused into the bone and are permanent, they will appear natural and like real teeth. Those who have missing teeth may feel self-conscious and have lowered self-esteem. They may refrain from smiling in pictures due to lowered confidence. They say that pictures last a lifetime so why not smile radiantly?
Dental implants aims to restore and improve eating and speech. Without teeth, we cannot chew our food properly and as a result, are limited with our food choices. Individuals who experience teeth loss may also experience pains with eating. Dental implants will allow patients to finally enjoy eating their favorite foods again. In addition to food, dental implants also improve oral speech for individuals. Those who get dental implants are able to speak without worrying about whether or not their removable dentures are going to slip away at any given moment.
Compared to dentures, which are removable, dental implants are more durable. They do not slip and last a lifetime with proper care. In addition, dental implants are more comfortable since it is not like removable dentures. Removable dentures are often inconvenient and like the name suggest, require removal. Your implant dentist can give you more details regarding the benefits of dental implants compared to other teeth loss alternatives.
Our teeth were designed to last, but sometimes things in life prevent that from happening. If you or a loved one is interested in dental implant surgery, be sure consult your local cosmetic dentistry today. Missing teeth does not have to be permanent. To determine whether or not you are the right candidate for dental implants surgery, contact your dentist. See lasting results with dental implants today!
Your teeth are supposed to last a lifetime. They are naturally designed to last that long. The problem is the food that people eat and the fact that most people just don’t know how to take care of their teeth! If we go back years ago, teeth that are rotten or injured are automatically taken out. Fortunately, today’s generation promotes saving of teeth through the process of root canal treatment.
Getting a root canal seems to be the trend nowadays if you want to maintain a healthy set of teeth. You can look for a dentist in San Diego who can do the procedure for you.
A tooth pulp is composed of soft tissues together with the blood vessels, connective tissues and nerves. Root canal is a procedure done when the tooth pulp is either inflamed or dead, and you want to save the tooth. Plenty of cases of root canal treatment have been successful in saving the patient’s teeth. But how can you know if you need to undergo one? Here are some indications if your tooth needs a root canal treatment: throbbing toothache, dull pain in a certain area or tooth, small blister that has been staying long in your mouth, and swelling that has become uncomfortable. Although there are many symptoms to warn you, there are times when you just don’t feel anything. That is why visiting the dentist regularly is very important. These symptoms are often times caused by an unnoticed cracked tooth, a deep cavity or a repeated dental procedure on the same tooth.
An endodontist (the specialist who performs root canals) takes away the injured or diseased tooth pulp. After which, the root canal(s) and the pulp chamber are cleaned before they are sealed. If by any chance the infected pulp was not removed from the tooth, certain substances may be released by bacteria that can destroy the bone anchoring the tooth in the jaws. Aside from that, more pain, infection and swelling can be experienced. Without any treatment, you are increasing your chances of losing your tooth. During your first visit to the dentist, the tooth will be given temporary filling after it has been cleaned. For you next visit, the temporary filling will be removed then the canal is filled and covered or sealed with a crown. This crown acts as your tooth’s shield for any fracture.
Don’t be too complacent after having your root canal treatment. You still have some after cares to do. Eating hard foods should be avoided until the whole treatment is done. Maintenance of oral hygiene and regular brushing are also important. Remember, taking care of your teeth is the key to preventing any tooth decay.
It is never too early to plan anything, like setting money aside for your children’s college tuition or planning the next family vacation to Japan. After all, early planning never hurts, right? Well, when dealing with impacted wisdom teeth, it is generally best dealt with early on than late.
A wisdom tooth, also known as the third molar, is often extracted to either to correct a problem or to prevent any potential issues from occurring in the future. Some people have all four, less than four, or more than four wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually erupt in your late teens or early twenties. While some wisdom teeth erupt normally with no hint of impact to neighboring teeth, other wisdom teeth can erupt sideways and cause all sorts of trouble for these other teeth. When the growth of a wisdom tooth is detected early on, extraction of the tooth is much easier. Scheduling the extraction before the tooth has had a chance to fully develop will likely ensure an easier wisdom teeth extraction process. When fully developed, nerves and the impact to neighboring teeth can make the extraction much more difficult.
Planning for a wisdom tooth extraction early on will allow individuals to better prepare for certain issues that may potentially arise if the tooth is not erupting normally. Many times, people may find that wisdom teeth just simply do not have enough room to come out and as a result, will “come in” sideways. Researchers believed that wisdom teeth used to be helpful in chewing when our jaws were much bigger. A cosmetic dentist can help you remove them if you need them to be extracted.
If you have had braces, your orthodontist may recommend that you remove your wisdom teeth to prevent it from potentially disrupting your new smile. Otherwise, a wisdom teeth extraction is not necessary if they are not impacted and have room to grow. However, since wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth, it can be quite difficult to clean. Thus, it remains critical that one practices good oral hygienic habits to prevent decay-causing bacteria from harboring in the back of the mouth.
As we go through life, we learn that prevention and early detection is important to situations like wisdom teeth removal. Although wisdom teeth can erupt with no problems for some people, others may find themselves in a not-so-lucky situation. And thus, wisdom teeth extraction is available to those needing to remove the problematic teeth. They say that with age comes wisdom, so it is wise to remove the tooth before it is too late.