There is much speculation and concern growing on social media sites about toothpaste and its safety. Many have pointed out the bottom of toothpaste tubes, a square printed with a specific color to indicate contents as natural or mixed with chemicals. People are coming to the belief that the color marked on toothpaste can be dangerous to your body as you could be ingesting harmful chemicals. In reality the squares do not possess a specific purpose or indicate the ingredients in use. The squares are called eye marks and do not measure up to beliefs of toothpaste color codes of the industry.
Taking a step back from the labels and contents, we will remind you what toothpaste really does for our smile. Toothpaste, or dentifrice, is an important staple to a person’s daily oral hygiene. They are approved products from the American Dental Association, to help remove bacteria and plaque from teeth and gums that build up throughout the day. The ADA seal is placed on packages of common toothpastes sold in the United States, symbolizing their safety and effectiveness to help maintain healthy teeth.
The Talk of Toothpaste Color Codes
There are a many blogs and articles circulating that tell a story of color markings on the bottom of a toothpaste tube which indicate an important detail that people are unaware of. Authors of these articles suggest the following as a description of colors marked on toothpaste tubes:
Many pass on this information to their friends and family alike, warning each other to watch out for toothpastes with the red or black square as they are noted as unsafe. Do you think there is some truth behind this claim?
Color Bars on Toothpaste Are Falsely Accused
The squares marked on the toothpaste do not classify or indicate anything about the contents of the paste at all. They are not placed there by the paste manufacturer, but the companies who design toothpaste packaging. The term used for the color squares are eye marks. They are placed on the plastic packaging of the tube as markers for sensors at the packaging industry, so the machines know where to cut and crimp the individual tubes.
Color bars are also found on most newspapers and other color printed items. This is solely for aligning color during the printing process. Most manufacturers who print in color use this method of colored squares to help in the process of alignment. The labeled color does not indicate anything other than where printers should align the labels of color packaging items.
For more information about ADA approved toothpaste and their ingredients for a brighter smile, meet with your San Diego dentist. The labels on toothpaste tubes are placed on the bottom for label alignment purposes only. Each color does not indicate hidden meanings of material blended in the paste. Read the labels of toothpaste at your local retailer and find the products marked with the ADA seal, approved for consumer use which in no way harm the body when ingested.
It is never too early to plan anything, like setting money aside for your children’s college tuition or planning the next family vacation to Japan. After all, early planning never hurts, right? Well, when dealing with impacted wisdom teeth, it is generally best dealt with early on than late.
A wisdom tooth, also known as the third molar, is often extracted to either to correct a problem or to prevent any potential issues from occurring in the future. Some people have all four, less than four, or more than four wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually erupt in your late teens or early twenties. While some wisdom teeth erupt normally with no hint of impact to neighboring teeth, other wisdom teeth can erupt sideways and cause all sorts of trouble for these other teeth. When the growth of a wisdom tooth is detected early on, extraction of the tooth is much easier. Scheduling the extraction before the tooth has had a chance to fully develop will likely ensure an easier wisdom teeth extraction process. When fully developed, nerves and the impact to neighboring teeth can make the extraction much more difficult.
Planning for a wisdom tooth extraction early on will allow individuals to better prepare for certain issues that may potentially arise if the tooth is not erupting normally. Many times, people may find that wisdom teeth just simply do not have enough room to come out and as a result, will “come in” sideways. Researchers believed that wisdom teeth used to be helpful in chewing when our jaws were much bigger. A cosmetic dentist can help you remove them if you need them to be extracted.
If you have had braces, your orthodontist may recommend that you remove your wisdom teeth to prevent it from potentially disrupting your new smile. Otherwise, a wisdom teeth extraction is not necessary if they are not impacted and have room to grow. However, since wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth, it can be quite difficult to clean. Thus, it remains critical that one practices good oral hygienic habits to prevent decay-causing bacteria from harboring in the back of the mouth.
As we go through life, we learn that prevention and early detection is important to situations like wisdom teeth removal. Although wisdom teeth can erupt with no problems for some people, others may find themselves in a not-so-lucky situation. And thus, wisdom teeth extraction is available to those needing to remove the problematic teeth. They say that with age comes wisdom, so it is wise to remove the tooth before it is too late.
Everyone wants a beautiful smile that they can show off with confidence. Studies show that people who smile are often friendlier and more approachable than those who do not smile. An unattractive smile can also influence the way we feel about ourselves in social settings as well as the workplace. But what causes an unattractive smile? The food and drink we consume and our lifestyle choices we make greatly influences the way our teeth look. Not everyone has perfect teeth and wear and tear can cause individuals to feel self-conscious and embarrassed about their smile. Maintenance and good oral habits must be followed in order to keep the teeth in good condition. When maintenance and good oral habits are not enough, cosmetic dentistry may be the answer to your cosmetic problems.
Cosmetic dentistry has helped thousands of Americans every year achieve a beautiful smile. Teeth whitening can restore stained-teeth back to its natural dazzling whiteness while braces can help with teeth realignment. Beautiful smiles are more than just pearly whites and straight teeth. People that have missing teeth can also feel limited in their social and work life. Gaps and missing teeth often make a smile less attractive and cause unwanted attention. However, dental implants can replace the root of a missing tooth allowing for a crown, denture, or a bridge to rest on top. Contact your local implant dentistry in San Diego for more information about dental implants and how it can help you with your missing teeth
The key to a beautiful smile involves three simple rules to follow: brush and floss daily, rinse after drinking staining beverages, and do not smoke. Let’s face it—at one point in our lives we felt too lazy to brush our teeth and skimp out on flossing because it is too much work at four in the morning. Perhaps, your daily cup of Joe in the morning is giving you a stained smile or you can’t stop smoking. All of the habits listed above can negatively impact the brilliance of your smile. To attain a beautiful and confident smile, always remember to brush twice daily and floss. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking coffee and black tea. Quit smoking for a beautiful and more confident smile. Beautiful teeth have to be maintained by following good oral habits.
Do you find yourself with stained or a missing tooth due to an injury? Cosmetic dentistry can help you restore your teeth back whether it is revealing the natural whiteness or dental implants for a confident smile. Consult your local San Diego dental implant specialist for more information regarding dental implants or cosmetic dentistry. Wear that beautiful smile with confidence today!
Many people do not know what to look for or what questions to ask when choosing the right cosmetic dentist for you is an important decision. To help you navigate this decision, we’ve put together a brief list of important questions to ask your local San Diego dentist and things to consider when deciding who to trust with your smile. After all, you have just one smile and it’s an important asset anyone can have in both professional and social circles.
It’s important to ensure that the dentist you choose has training and experience in the type of work you want to have done as there are a number of different specialties in the field of dentistry, one popular one being San Diego teeth whitening where patients in the San Diego, La Jolla, Chula Vista areas and everywhere in between can take advantage of a whiter, brighter smile during these long summer days.
In choosing a dentist in the field of cosmetic dentistry San Diegoresidents are advised to bear in mind that this field of innovates very rapidly. Your cosmetic dentist should be familiar with the latest in cosmetic dentistry practices, including new techniques, materials, technologies, and types of dental implants San Diego dentists, as well as dental professionals in all cities should have training from an advanced dental studies institute and the credentials to show their qualifications. And don’t forget the importance of experience, which is reflected in a good set of positive referrals and successful dental practice in general.
There are some dentists specialize very narrowly, choosing to work primarily with only a few types of dental work. While these dentists may do excellent work in those areas, you will have fewer options, and less opportunity to choose the type of procedure that is right for you. Although today you may be looking for a single type of work only (such as a dental implant or porcelain veneers), your best option is to find a cosmetic dentist who offers a range of cosmetic dentistry services, and can help guide you toward the one that is right for your goals, your needs, and your budget, and one with whom you can develop a long-term relationship, should you need follow-up treatment or additional work.
When choosing a cosmetic dentist, be sure that you find one who listens to your concerns and questions, and who puts you at ease during your initial consultation. Explain everything openly. If you aren’t comfortable describing what you want, your dentist cannot give you the quality of treatment you need and deserve. Ask yourself if the dentist you are considering seems interested in understanding what you’re saying, or if he or she seems more interested in making decisions for you. While a good dentist will help you guide your decisions and understand your options, you should never feel bullied or ignored. A dentist who makes you feel these things is a good indication that he or she is not the best person to go. Find one who has the experience, skills, professionalism, and courtesy you would expect from anyone in general, and stick with that dentist. For additional information, visit to learn more.